In the Know: Stephen Page

A Conversation with Stephen Page . . .

I’m excited to kick off a new series getting to know our young community leaders. First up is someone I have known since elementary school growing up on the Island, Stephen Page.

1. Where do you live and where did you grow up?

I live on the Island right down the road from where I grew up. I did live in Bluffton for a short time as well and enjoyed my time there.

2. What do you do for a living?

I am a Mortgage Loan Advisor with Mortgage Network in the Hilton Head Office.

3. How did you get started as a Mortgage Loan Advisor?

I think like most individuals in the industry, I found myself in the mortgage business by accident. Nobody really thinks or dreams of getting into this business. Right out of college and newly married I had to find a way to “provide” for my new family. My bride, Evan, said she was open to moving anywhere in the world but Columbia, SC. So where did we wind up? Yes-Columbia. That is where I cut my teeth in the business and learned how to make the best, most affordable, peanut butter sandwiches to survive.

To be completely honest, I could not have survived in this business without Evan. I was all commission pay and knew no one in Columbia, so as you can imagine, I wasn’t exactly bringing home the cash money. Evan was working 60+ hours a week making $12.00 an hour so we could actually pay our rent! All that to say, like anything – getting started is the hardest part.

3. What advice would you give someone just starting out in the lending business?

Be patient. This is one of the toughest businesses to play in. You will be challenged, you will be rejected, and the rules are always changing. You can’t just be a daily problem solver, you have to be a minute by minute problem solver. There are so many factors that go into each client’s financial situation, you have a number of players (the buyers, the sellers, the realtors, the attorneys, etc. etc.) within each transaction, and you have to be able to maintain composure as well as problem solve in order to provide your client with the best advice possible.

Finally, you might hear “all banks and mortgage companies are the same” but that is WRONG. COMPLETELY FALSE. Each company or bank is made up of different people. In my opinion, my team at Mortgage Network is the best in the industry. We all work around the clock with one person in mind. We have been voted the best mortgage company on Hilton Head and Bluffton for the last 15 years. Also, I’m not just spitting nonsense here, I have closed my own personal loans and investment loans with Mortgage Network multiple times in the last 12 months and it has been a great experience.

The Page Family

4. On top of your full time job and being a father to two little boys, you also own a number of rental properties in Bluffton, right?

I do! Real estate investing is my passion. I love it. I currently have two new properties under contract right now.

5. How do you balance it all?

Is there such a thing as balance when you run two businesses, are married, have two boys under 3 years old . . . oh, and another way on the way due in August? No, there is no balance. My number one priority will always be my bride, Evan, and my boys. But when you love what you do balance isn’t necessary. I am pretty competitive so the mortgage business and real estate investment is like a game to me. I want to win.

6. What is it like coming back to the Island as an adult and starting a family here?

Moving back to Hilton Head and Bluffton was a big question mark at first. But once we got here we realized there is an awesome community of both young and older people who we really love. As I mentioned earlier, I have two boys and they are really water dogs. They want to be in the water or on the boat all-the-time. I can’t imagine raising these boys anywhere else.

7. How have you been involved in the community during your time on the Island?

When we first moved down here I helped coach at Hilton Head Christian Academy (my alma mater) and was involved in Young Life. Since having kids my time has become more limited, but I am involved in my church, Lowcountry Community Church, leading a small group and am helping Hilton Head Christian Academy fundraise for its new Bluffton campus.

8. What do you do for fun?

Close loans…ha. When I am not working, I love to hang out with my family and spend time on the water. I love anything on the water and love the outdoors which is exactly why we chose to move back here.

Lauren Williams is an attorney with Russell P. Patterson, P.A. in Hilton Head, SC. She can be reached at (843) 341-9300 or

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